Whether you want to obtain a new licence or need to renew your existing one, Kaichou Kai Karate Association can help you with the application. Contact us for more information if you are in Rainham, Grays or Upminster.
Welcome to your licence information
My email for all licence inquiries is
I am your Licencing Officer and Data Manager for Kaichou Kai.
All students must hold a Karate Licence in order to train, grade and compete.
The licence form can be downloaded from this page and payment made via bank transfer.
If this application is for your first licence, or a replacement for a lost or stolen licence, you must enclose an A5 sized stamped addressed envelope with a large letter stamp on it. One envelope per licence is required.
If you are renewing your licence you don’t need to return the licence book, just enclose a stamped addressed envelope for a new licence slip which you stick over the expired one.
Licences expire on the 1st of the month you began training.
Please note that forms must be posted to me and under no circumstances handed by either yourself, or your child, to Moira or your instructor at classes as these are busy times and the form may get misplaced or lost at cost to you.
If you do not enclose a stamped addressed envelope with the correct postage, I will hold your licence until I receive this from you.
All licence queries must be made to me via email. I do not take phone queries.
Please note that any club, grading, training, or competing concerns and questions need to be made to Moira, or your instructor.
I look forward to receiving the licence application from you all throughout the year.
Pam Le Breuilly
Licencing Officer and Data Manager
One Day Course!
Download licence application
Please download the appropriate application and membership forms and follow the instructions for submission. Get it touch with us for specific information or further assistance, if required.
All members or guardians must confirm that they have read and agreed to the above GDPR regulations as this is a legal requirement adhering to government safety guidelines.